The Science Behind Employee Wellness Programs | Boost Productivity & Wellbeing

7 min reading time

When drawing up a pyramid-like structure to map the wellness needs of an organisation, physical wellness creates a strong foundation. Research shows that moderate-intensity physical activity is most impactful for generating physical, effective, and cognitive resource gains. It benefits next-day task performance, creativity, and health outcomes. Moreover, studies show that even 20 minutes of physical activity were sufficient to generate resources that contributed to employees’ next-day task performance and health.

Scientific Reason to Combat Sedentary Lifestyle at Work

Many of us follow a sedentary lifestyle coupled with unhealthy eating habits. Increased sedentary time impairs the gravitostat, the body’s weight homeostasis, weight gain, adiposity, and elevated chronic inflammation. For that matter, several studies prove that sedentary behaviour is a risk factor for cancer. Also, sedentary behaviour is associated with impaired skeletal muscle metabolism of lipids and glucose. 

Sedentary behaviours have wide-ranging adverse impacts on the human body. They include increased all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease mortality, and risks of metabolic disorders such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and dyslipidemia; musculoskeletal disorders such as arthralgia and osteoporosis; depression; and cognitive impairment. 

Reducing sedentary behaviours and increasing physical activity are both essential to promote organisational health. There is a perception that remote working and flexible hours are the solutions to employee well-being. However, some studies show that working from home increases social isolation, anxiety, and fatigue. Therefore, irrespective of whether an employee works remotely or from office space, the necessity to move more is imperative. 

Employee Wellness: A Science-Backed Need

Given that a substantial percentage of sedentary behaviour occurs during the workday, employers can take part in encouraging their employees to stand, walk, or move. Employee wellness programs must aim to redesign workspace environments. It can be at home or in the office to promote added movement. For example, walking meetings or outdoor brainstorming sessions increase muscle activation during the workday. Readily accessible stairs or exercise equipment, such as dumbbells or yoga mats, in the office make a difference. Open-door policies, walking over to a colleague’s desk instead of emailing, and taking short walking breaks are simple to implement health solutions. 

Fostering a culture that promotes healthy behaviours like physical activity impacts remote work as well. Top-down leadership involvement in creating behavioural changes is a must. Cumulative health can improve by incorporating small habit-forming interventions. E.g., standing during meetings and taking movement breaks. Including wellness programs as part of long-term goal-setting will go a long way in forming a happy organisation. 

Nutrition: An Integral Part of Employee Wellness

Unhealthy lunch choices like cheeseburgers, fries, instant noodles, or packaged microwavable meals are not only more affordable but also convenient. It adds to their appeal during a hectic workday. Also, they provide a quick energy boost and a rewarding sensation for the taste buds. However, it is often followed by a rapid energy crash, leaving one feeling tired and sluggish. Employees tend to opt for quick solutions like junk food and choose to eat at their desks to multitask. Therefore, a close look at the canteen and vending machine menu can provide a healthy range of choices. 

According to the International Labour Organisation, inadequate nourishment has the potential to reduce productivity by as much as 20%. Therefore, wellness, at a fundamental level, is about eating right or staying active. What people require is not more awareness, as most are already familiar with what is healthy and what is not. What’s necessary is an action plan that makes adopting a healthy and balanced lifestyle easier to accomplish. 

That’s where programs like corporate wellness or employee wellness step in. The plan should be customisable and scalable, recognising the construct and demand of the workplace. Most adults spend a significant part of their day at work. Therefore, it is an ideal space to promote health.

Employee Wellness Programs and Their Goals

Employee wellness programs aim to enhance the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of employees. Interventions include fitness classes, company retreats, mental health resources, nutritional workshops, and stress management workshops. There are incentives for healthy behaviours as well. The ultimate objective of the programs is to foster a workspace that prioritises the health of its employees. 

Effective wellness programs require thoughtful design and implementation. But it’s essential to remember that employee participation is a key factor in their success. To encourage all employees to join in, employers should make sure their wellness programs are inclusive and easily accessible. 

Partnering with established wellness platforms, such as HealthifyMe, which has years of expertise and in-depth knowledge by virtue of working with a user base exceeding 35 million with diverse preferences and inclusive needs. 

Elevate employee engagement and well-being with a comprehensive Corporate Wellness Program that goes beyond the ordinary

Role of Employee Wellness Programs in Productivity

Wellness programs help improve physical and mental health, boosting productivity. A study in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine found that employees who joined a wellness program saw drops in BMI and blood pressure and improved mental health. They felt more energised and productive. Another study in the American Journal of Health Promotion revealed that employees in wellness programs spent less on healthcare and found the need to visit a doctor less often.

Wellness programs can boost employee morale and job satisfaction. Employers who invest in the health of their staff show they care, leading to increased job satisfaction, higher productivity, and better employee retention. A Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) 2023 poll found that 61% of workers in wellness programs reported greater job satisfaction than those not participating.

These programs are essential because they aim to change behaviours that can cause chronic illnesses such as asthma, heart disease, obesity, cancer, and diabetes. When employees change their behaviour, it leads to fewer health issues, less absenteeism, and increased productivity.

Design an Employee Wellness Programs That Work

Various types of initiatives can qualify as an employee wellness program, each addressing different dimensions of well-being.

1. Make Use of Technology

In the past, companies mainly promoted employee wellness through gym discounts. However, this approach was only somewhat effective, as many found it inconvenient to commute to another fitness class after work. Now, apps like HealthifyMe, available on Android and iOS platforms, offering wearable technology such as activity trackers and glucose monitoring trackers, make it much easier for employees to incorporate physical wellness into their daily schedules.

2. Flexible Work Schedules

Flexible work schedules enable employees to adjust when they start and finish work to suit their needs better. It can involve remote work options, allowing tasks to be completed outside the office. However, it’s also essential to avoid indirectly promoting practices like skipping lunch, giving up vacations, or consistently working long hours. Employees lacking work-life balance are typically less happy and less productive.

3. Health Coaching

Employee health coaching involves tailored sessions with a certified health expert. It can be either one-on-one or in groups. These personalised sessions can address any aspect of employee well-being. A consultation with a qualified doctor or nutritionist can address specific health requirements. Additionally, the coach can help create a personalised diet plan tailored to your lifestyle. It also takes into physical attributes like BMI, age, gender, likes, dislikes, and preferences.

The Final Word

The concept of employee wellness aligns perfectly with organisational goals. By keeping employees healthy, they are less likely to miss work and more likely to be productive. When done right, wellness programs can boost productivity, reduce healthcare expenses, and encourage employee retention. Platforms like HealthifyMe have diverse expertise and inclusive approaches. 

An organisation contains people from different genders, age groups, economic strata and health conditions. Therefore, addressing specific needs and different health goals requires tailored programs. Also, this not only enhances the effectiveness of wellness initiatives but also ensures accessibility for every team member.

Research Sources

From Bad to Worse: The Impact of Work-From-Home on Sedentary Behaviors and Exercising 

Sedentary Lifestyle: Overview of Updated Evidence of Potential Health Risks

Poor workplace nutrition hits workers’ health and productivity, says new ILO report

As Employee Wellness Declines, Benefits Satisfaction Drops to Decade Low

Do Workplace Health Promotion (Wellness) Programs Work?

Impacts of Workplace Health Promotion and Wellness Programs on Health Care Utilisation and Costs

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