Want to Get Healthy? Eat More Dessert

3 min reading time

What if you could eat ice cream to improve your health? Improve your digestion by eating cake? Lose weight and eat brownies and even have more energy — all by eating more dessert?

You can, and you should.

You don’t have to give up the good stuff to live your best life (because cutting out entire food groups and skipping dessert … no thanks).

Instead, treat yourself to a daily dessert that’s actually good for you:  a superfood dessert.

Superfood dessert is exactly what it sounds like — something that’s absolutely delicious, but also really nutritious and full of things like adaptogen herbs, protein, fiber, and superfood mushrooms. Stuff that’s really good for you so you feel fantastic, but hard to incorporate into a regular diet.

If you’re thinking this sounds too good to be true, then please allow us to blow your mind — and your taste buds.

Swap Your Sweet Treats for a Superfood Dessert

Chocolate Brownie Bites in a white bowl

Raise your hand if you love to eat sweets every day … and then need a nap two hours later.

Honor your cravings and skip the crash with these yummy superfood dessert swaps that pack big benefits:

Simple swaps for a superfood dessert not only taste great and will save you calories, sugar, and fat, but they also come with a lot of good-for-you perks, like helping support healthy energy, digestion, better exercise recovery, and even weight loss.*

Not to mention, all the happy Health Esteem feels you get from taking care of yourself, eating healthy, and getting after your goals (go, you!).

The Secret Ingredient

Shakeology desserts

While the concept of a superfood dessert can be achieved by putting together your own collection of powders, herbs, and mushrooms, we can’t guarantee it’s going to taste good — and it will likely cost a lot more money.

We (obviously) recommend Shakeology — the original superfood shake you can use to create some of the most delicious desserts you’ve ever tasted!

Every flavor of Shakeology contains nutrient-dense ingredients like kale, blueberries, adaptogenic herbs, and functional mushrooms.

And Shakeology provides essential, powerful nutrition that comes from real superfoods. Good stuff like:

  • Plant protein
  • Antioxidants
  • Phytonutrients & power greens
  • Healthy omega-3 fats
  • Adaptogens & mushrooms
  • Probiotics
  • Prebiotics & fiber
  • Digestive enzymes
  • Vitamins & minerals

Plus, when you treat yourself to a full serving of Shakeology each day, it helps provide healthy energy, healthy digestion, satisfy hunger and cravings, muscle recovery, and fill nutritional gaps you might not even know you have.*

Did we mention it’s delish? It is.

So, if you want to help improve your health by eating more dessert — make it a superfood dessert like a Coconut Key Lime Pie Shake, no-bake brownies, peanut butter cups, or a delicious nice cream.

Go ahead and enjoy … in fact, since you want to get healthy and feel good, eat more!

What other dessert can do all that?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 

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